May 12, 2024

Two PBA Students Reflect on the Impact of Their Moms This Mother’s Day

two daughters with their mothers for mother's day

PBA News

Photo: Geissy Hofkamp Quinteros, Yanel Quinteros, Jami Logan, Molly Barker

Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) recognizes all the mothers and maternal figures who have supported their students through their educational journey. God has equipped these women to impact others in their lives. Mother’s Day gives everyone an opportunity to show these women the appreciation they deserve, as mentioned in Proverbs 31:31, “Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

The Impact of a Mother’s Advice

Molly Barker, a philosophy and English major at PBA, is thankful for all her mother’s advice, which has given her the courage to move from Iowa to Florida for school. Her mother, Jami Logan, is known for her blatant honesty. Molly can always count on her mom to tell her what she needs to hear, not just what she wants.

Jamie worked multiple jobs to support her family and taught Molly how to lead by example. Another important lesson Jamie taught Molly was to “ listen to hear and not to respond.” She wanted Molly to be courageous but also empathetic. This sound guidance helped when Molly made big, life-changing decisions, like where to apply for college.

Some of Molly’s best memories with her mom were when they drove to Florida together. Now, even though there is geographical distance between them, they still call and FaceTime almost daily to maintain a close relationship.

“Our mothers gave us life and nourished us to the greatest success they could, and that deserves recognition,” Molly said.

The Impact of A Mother’s Sacrifice

Yanel Quinteros, a music major at PBA, is thankful for the sacrifices her mother makes daily to support her in getting an education. Yanel’s mom, Geissy Hofkamp Quinteros, drives her to campus every day. Being a commuting student comes with certain challenges surrounding time management, but having her mom handle her transportation gives Yanel a little bit of relief.

One of the most significant sacrifices Geissy has made for Yanel is deciding to move her family from Argentina to Florida a few years ago. Geissy left her home hoping there would be new and better opportunities for her children in America. Now, Yanel and her three brothers are able to seek higher education in fields they are passionate about studying.

Yanel admired her mom’s patience and intentionality. Gheissy taught her from an early age that when she allows God to truly be in control of her life, she will be able to love and serve people better. Since being in college, Yanel has grown even closer to her mother, and this Mother’s Day, she is looking forward to thanking Geissy for all the sacrifices she has made to support her and her education.

“We should celebrate moms every day, but it’s nice to have a special day to give them extra love and attention,” Yanel said.

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