
Beloved Professor 芭芭拉VanderWerf Receives Corts Award for Outstanding Teaching

芭芭拉VanderWerf smiling and holding her award on stage


Nearly 18 years ago, in October 2006, 芭芭拉VanderWerf was recruited to 拼搏体育 (PBA) to work as the executive assistant to the provost. 

“我并没有真的在看, but when approached about the possibility, I decided to go ahead and walk through the door God opened,她解释道. “Once I was at PBA, I knew it was the Lord that led me here. It was nothing short of His divine appointment for that time.”  

Almost two decades and several different roles later, Professor VanderWerf has had a profound impact on both students and faculty alike. In 2014, she began teaching as an adjunct professor, and in 2015 she transferred to the Rinker School of Business (RSB) to teach full-time.  

“Each step of the way, God has been faithful,”她说。.  

VanderWerf Receives the Charles and Hazel Corts Award  

2024年8月, Professor VanderWerf received the Charles and Hazel Corts Award for Outstanding Teaching during PBA’s annual Community Day, where faculty and staff gather to pray, worship and thank God for the upcoming school year. She was nominated by both students and faculty.   

“Receiving the Corts award means so much to me. It is affirmation that the effort put into making learning engaging and meaningful really does matter,范德沃夫教授说. “I’m humbled and honored to receive this award, and shocked too. I am grateful for the support and collaboration of my colleagues in the business school and across campus.” 

When announcing Professor VanderWerf’s award, Dr. 黛布拉一. (Schwinn, PBA总裁, 对她评价很高, 称赞她的品德, integrity and commitment to serving the Lord and upholding PBA’s mission to equip students to grow in wisdom, lead with conviction and serve God boldly.  

“This professor is loved by students… she is encouraging, 总是有时间, 并努力去理解,博士分享道。. (Schwinn as she read some of the nomination comments. “She challenges students to critically examine decisions in their discipline through an ethical framework.”  

VanderWerf’s Heart for Student Success and Financial Freedom 

Professor VanderWerf teaches several classes at PBA, 包括领导和道德, 管理, 及财务知识, a three-credit elective she developed after watching students struggle with financial stress. She has now taught over 300 students in that class. 

“我学习了金融知识, 我是一名理财教练, so I had a deep desire to develop a course at PBA to help our students learn basic concepts so they can make wise decisions,”她说。. “我就是无法释怀.”  

The Creation of PBA’s 金融知识中心 

In November 2023, PBA announced the creation of the RSB’s 金融知识中心 (CFL), and Professor VanderWerf became the inaugural director. 自推出以来, CFL举办了一些活动, provided financial coaching and developed relationships in the community. Professor VanderWerf is most excited about the CFL’s creation of the “FinLit Team,” which consists of a team of students being trained in financial literacy so they can provide peer-to-peer coaching and find opportunities to serve the community.  

“The Bible has over 2,000 verses on money and possessions. There is no shortage of instruction” said Professor VanderWerf. “Financial stress and anxiety are on the rise. Refocusing the students’ purpose to ‘manage God’s resources’ wisely is the goal. We are not called to anxiety; we are called to peace.”  


Professor VanderWerf is thankful to play a small role in helping shape the lives of her students.  

“Having an impact on just one student reaffirms my purpose here at PBA. 无论在学术上, 精神上, 成为鼓励的接触点, 或者为我们的运动员加油, I count it a privilege to be a small part of a student’s experience at PBA,她分享道。. “Multiply that impact by thousands of students since I started at PBA, and my heart is full.” 

Other PBA Employees Recognized for Years of Service 

The following staff and faculty were also awarded for their time and commitment to PBA over the years:   


凯尔可能, 温迪Eynon, 约瑟夫苗圃, 肖恩·坎宁安, 克里斯蒂娜Batoh, 维维安·费尔南德·纳西斯, 凯尔Faircloth, Ciprian斯坦, 贝斯罗斯, 亚历克斯Hubley, 布拉德·塞茨 

梅根Konynenbelt, 尼古拉斯Timbinaris, Wispeny埃利斯, 科尔大木船, 布列塔尼Carlton-Wauford, 凯萨琳Lovanice, 阿什顿Twaddell, 诺艾尔佐丹奴, 拉里贝克利, 基冈特纳, 尤兰达哈迪, Kat Rumell, Laura Rendon Finnell and Jessica Lendoiro 


Jeremy Bonta, Christine Fink, Ariel Viale, Robert Hegna, Angela Witmer, Mike Griffin, 

Ryan Gladwin, Dan Read, Edwin Santini, Judy Enyart, Crystal Twaddell, Craig Watson and Lisa Aaron  


Erin Dorval, Suzanne Cardona, Don Piper, Krisy Thornby, Nathan Maxwell, Tim Eichner and Cyndi Hilson 


Karelynne Ayayo, David Pounds, Paul Copan and Tom Fowler 


Mark Kaprive和Philip Henry 




Beate Rodewald 

